Day 65 Children’s class tonight

Wednesday November 4th 2009

Last Wednesday we had our first children’s class. I had the privilege of teaching two wonderful girls about the Bible. The only problem was that we were in the same room as the adults. So we had to be very quiet. The girls were great. But I felt like I could teach them more if we could talk a little louder. So we talked it over with Obata-san and we decided to clean out the office in the church. Obata-san mainly IMG_5234uses it for storage. He uses his office at his house since its bigger and right next door.           IMG_5235

We have been about cleaning this room out for awhile, so that Paul can use it if he wants to. So we tackled the little room together. After a few hours of sorting and throwing. We could finally see the floor again. It turned out to be a nice little room. And during the day Paul can come here to work on classes and sermons without me bothering him. IMG_5236:)

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That evening we tried our new classroom out. It started out great. We had a new family come. She brought her son (6 years old) and daughter (1 1/2years old) and she stayed in the class to see how her son would do. Then another family came. They brought their son for the class. So we all squeezed into the little room. A few of the adults went to the adult class in the main room, just to make space.  We had a nice class. We started going over the story of Jesus’ birth. I think it was a little hard for the kids to follow. They don’t know a lot of English and probably even less Christian English. So next week I will probably change a few things in my lesson.






   At this point I realize that some of the kids are just here to learn English and hear a native English speaker, but we will keep teaching them the truth. Even if the only English they learn is from the Bible, I know God can do wonderful things through them. It’s really cute to see them learn these new words and it’s good practice for my Japanese to try and explain the new words to them as best I can in Japanese. So I will keep trying to be my best so that God’s words can be implanted on these little hearts.   

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